New World Teachings  ~ We are the World ~ We are the Children ~ We are the Ones ~ Who will Birth the Golden Age ~ So Let's get going!

MaryMa McChrist CopyMary Clarice McChrist was born, on Christmas Day and is, herself, one of the Divine Incarnations of the Mother. She has been carefully hidden, and now is Revealed. It is her time as Mother, to step forward, from behind the veil, and to teach you directly, Blessed Ones.

She is a Messenger for the Holy Family and the Ascended Masters for 50 years. Ma is an author or 9 +books, a visionary artist, a Mother, a Grandmother, and a Teacher of Teachers.

Join us, for our first Divine Offering from our new school: "13 Days with Mother Mary" which begins when ever you are ready.  Sign-up, and pay.There is a Price structure in place which was designed with YOU in mind.

Act quickly, to join this first Her-storic Round of 13 Days with Mother Mary. These teachings are precious, New and very Experiential. You are welcome to go to TOPICS to get an idea of this class. Then go to Prices and see your options. Join the Heart of the Mother!  If you have questions email Ma at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Much Love and many blessings. MA


Student Comment

“As I stepped out of my “Dark Night of the Soul,” I required a whole team of people with different specialties: I needed protection, to forgive myself, to feel the right connections with God, Mother Mary, and to feel safe, and I needed guidance. I had to know, I was really loved. Mary-Ma, you were, all of it, in one package.” Rebecca C.   

Rebecca C. Bay Area, CA. 2-15-14