www.MaryClariceMcChrist.com - teachings of the Divine Mother, Mary, Jesus, Archangel Michael, and the Ascended Master portal, mission, vision and intension, prayers, books and readings.
www.facebook.com/maryma.mcchrist - Order of the Blue Rose,events, friends, photos,
www.Magdalenes-BlackRose.com - Twin Love of Magdalene and Yeshua, Love poems by Christ, Magdalene's Black Rose Book, video
www.NewWorldTeachings.com - "13 Days with Mother Mary, " 13 Days with Jesus Christ," "13 Days with Archangel Michael" the Blue Rose Round Table, initiations, secret and advanced teachings, MP3', prayers, readings' etc.
www.AscendingWithTheMaitreya.wordpress.com - Ran Buddha, Mary McChrist, ascension events, Precepts of the Golden Age
www.UniversalFellowshipofLight.com Romarish, Ganganath and Tara
MikaelahCordeo.com – private sessions healing, reading, transformation, Initiation/Ascension assistance, Classes, events, videos,
YourDivineMastery.com – Beginning, Intermediate and advanced programs and classes with Master Teachers for the newly Awakened
https://www.instanthealingzone.com/ Barbara J. Semple
https://inspirationalcounseling.com/ - Lottie Cooper
> Dare-to-Imagine.html – Blake Sinclair
> ShantaGabriel.com Angelic teachings, healing, classes, weekly uplifting messages and events.
https://thesacredloverswithin.com/ - Tiziana della Rovere
https://theintuitivenutritionista.lpages.co/intuition-landingpage/ - Janet Doerr, health and transformation related, classes, mp3s, private sessions, free teleseminars regularly.
https://www.walktheearthasalivingmaster.com/ - Kamala Everett, classes, events
https://phoenixcode.org/ - Amoraea Dreamseed
https://telos-usa.com/ - the work of Aurelia Louise Jones, telos groups and events.
https://www.dolphinstartemple.org/ - teachings of Amorah Quan Yin
https://www.i-am-teachings.com/ - Peter Mt. Shasta
Eraofpeace.org - Patricia Cota Robles- Weekly Vlog on Youtube. free seminars around the US.
> AnOpenDoorofLove.com - William Starr – ascended master information
https://www.heartscenter.org/ - David Lewis - Direct lineal descent from the I Am Teachings of Guy Ballard emphasizing, decrees, music, messages from the Ascended Masters, and co-created classes. Support groups around the world.