New World Teachings  ~ We are the World ~ We are the Children ~ We are the Ones ~ Who will Birth the Golden Age ~ So Let's get going!

Mary Blue Rose with rosary
Introduction by Our Lady Mary

Because, I am your Spiritual Mother, everything about you is important to me: YOU, your body, emotions, mind, soul, spirit, and life. I can oversee your spiritual progress if you wish this to occur. This is not about your religion or lack thereof.  Wherever you are, whatever you believe spiritually is fine.

I am your Mother- female, male, all people.  It is my job to enfold you, and to Mentor you spiritually if you are open for this blessing. I can assist you in raising your frequency and uplifting your life

I am here for you my child. My MISSION is to love, protect, nurture, and uplift you—it is my honor and pleasure to do that for you.

“13 Days with Mother Mary” allows me to directly connect with you and your immediate loved ones (usually 4 people at first.) This program is designed to show you: How I will help you; What I will do for you if you wish to connect with me; and the beauty of opening your heart wider and wider. You will connect directly to my heart; learn about your Higher Self, and your own God-Presence, the rainbow rays of God, and My Ascension Rosary was given to Mary Clarice McChrist which is also my Rosary Gift to all people. Both non-Catholics and Catholics recite this new Rosary.  Learn how to call for Divine Intervention and to receive the protection and healing of Archangel Michael and others. LESSON 1 is your free gift out of the program of 13 Lessons. All Lessons are Actual messages from Mother Mary, Heart Streamed through Mary-Ma McChrist.

You will shift, and your life will improve. Hope will again fill your heart and soul. The “13 Days with Mother Mary are symbolically MY Mantle of Glorious Protection which will be placed around you, always and only, with your Free Will Consent.

These Teachings are PRICELESS, and are only available here, at New World

Mary-Ma says, “Look at the Topics we will explore. Check out the reasonable prices and sign-up now. There is an option that will work for you.” See below for pricing.


The Telepathic Process

My Son, Jesus and I, created these lessons and gave them word by word to our Visionary/Messenger, Mary Clarice McChrist. She receives our words telepathically, and we make sure every word is accurate and correct. You may wish to read Mary-Ma’s biography, and later consume her many books, which were also received telepathically. She has worked with the Holy Family and the Ascended Masters since 1971.

When Ma was trained in the early 1970s, and began her spiritual work, there was only a handful of people who could communicate with Spirit. There are now many, BUT they were not personally trained to be a Messenger and may or may not be accurate. Mary-Ma was commissioned by the Spiritual Hierarchy to be a Messenger. This is an important difference. She is a pioneer in this movement.


Your Bonus Gift

When you sign-up and pay for your class, you may order your FREE book: The Blessed Mother’s Blue Rose of the Healing Heart by McChrist by emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or if you already have The Blessed Mother's Blue Rose book you can have the $25 value money applied to a spiritual reading by Mary Ma.

This Blue Rose Book provides a rich foundation of spiritual Teaching. Christ Jesus and Archangel Michael both contributed to this precious book, I often call it My Mary Bible. Besides basic concepts, it contains advanced and even Secret Teachings on the embodiment of Christ, and the Mother. Many people use this book for our Blue Rose Devotion every Saturday/Saboth from 10:00-11:30 AM PST since it contains many lovely prayers. My Blessings are upon you.

Your Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace

13 lessons $260, plus 8 related questions answered.

You will have 1 year of full access to this wonderful class.

Please see details for a full description of what the Master will receive:

Access to Program: 1 Year
Price: $260.00

10 lessons $210, plus 5 related questions answered

You will have 1 year of full access to this wonderful class.

Please see details for a full description of what Disciple Receives

Access to Program: 1 Year
Price: $210.00

8 lessons $176, plus 3 related questions answered

You will have 1 year of full access to this wonderful class.

Please see details for a full description of what Initiates will Receive:

Access to Program: 1 Year
Price: $176.00

Come under the Mantle of Mary and enjoy this one Introductory Class for only $0

You will have 1 month of full access to this wonderful class.

Access to Program: 3 Months
Price: Free