New World Teachings  ~ We are the World ~ We are the Children ~ We are the Ones ~ Who will Birth the Golden Age ~ So Let's get going!

JL - Disciple

10 classes $210, plus 5 related questions answered

Disciple Receives:

  1. All the previous program Classes 1-8 from the Initiate Program, Plus the following): Program Classes 9 & 10.
  2. Additional Prayers:  Blue Rose pages 70 & 71, 68 & 69.
  3. Under the protection of Metatron, Geometric Protection.
  4. Special Healing from Jesus Christ and Archangel Raphael. 
  5. Three new angels join your personal Council.
  6. All Mary-Ma Readings are 20% off.
  7. A Certification of Completion of your program, The 13 Days with Jesus the Christ (when you complete this class.)



Access to Program: 1 Year
Price: $210.00