New World Teachings  ~ We are the World ~ We are the Children ~ We are the Ones ~ Who will Birth the Golden Age ~ So Let's get going!

JL - Initiate

8 classes $176, plus 3 related questions answered

Initiates will Receive:

  1. Mary’s Miracle Bible: The Blessed Mother’s Blue Rose of the Healing Heart by Mary Clarice McChrist. 
  2. Directly Connect to the Heart of Christ Jesus. He will do that with you as you work on Class 1.
  3. Come under the Prayers of Visionary/Messenger Mary Clarice McChrist. Your name will be given in her prayers and you will receive much healing and comfort.
  4. You are invited to our Saturday, the Sabbath for Blue Rose Devotional Prayers each week. This is live, on the Teleconference Call 605-475-6711, the code is: 657-5279# from 10:00-11:30 AM; Your questions will be answered for 15 minutes.
  5. Thursdays from 5:30-6:00 PM PST you are encouraged to partake in the Fatima Vigil. Go to and download from the Menu on the left side “Vigil of Fatima.” *Mary gives Special Favors for those who join this world Service Dedication.
  6. A Certification of Completion of your program, The 13 Days with Jesus, the Christ.  (When you complete this class)


Access to Program: 1 Year
Price: $176.00