New World Teachings  ~ We are the World ~ We are the Children ~ We are the Ones ~ Who will Birth the Golden Age ~ So Let's get going!

JL - Master

13 classes $260, plus 8 related questions answered

Please see details for a full description of what the Master will receive:

  1. The previous classes 1-10 from the Initiate & Disciple Programs (Plus the following)
  2. Program Classes 11, 12, 13 are added to this program.
  3. The Blessed Mother’s Blue Rose of the Healing Heart by Mary Clarice McChrist is Our Lady's Bible. This is our FREE Gift to all new Members or $25.00 off another book or reading.
    1. It is perfect to use during the Blue Rose Devotionals on Saturdays, the Sabbath Day. 
  4. The Guiding Hand of Mary Clarice McChrist who has produced 26 Enlightened Masters according to El Morya Khan her mentor.
    1. Many Teachings given through Mary-Ma are 20 years ahead of their time.
  5. Blue Rose Saturday, Devotional, 10-11:30 AM PST (included) Call 605-475-6711, Code: 6575279#
  6. Vigil of Fatima Prayers, Given to Mary-Ma in 2013 from Our Lady. It is held on Teleconference each Thursday, 5:30-6:30 PM Call 605-475-6711, Code: 6575279#
  7. You will connect to Your Own Higher Self and will receive the Protection by the Archangelic Hosts, Archangel Michael.
  8. You will be Protected by Archangel Metatron, Crown of the Kabbalah, in the Tree of Life.
  9. You will receive a Certificate of Completion of your program, The 13 Days with Jesus, the Christ. (When you complete this class)
  10. Readings are always available to you at a 25% discount.
Access to Program: 1 Year
Price: $260.00